If you are a current student and need a copy of your transcript, please contact your school counsellor or administration. Ensure you plan ahead to allow sufficient time for staff to process your request.
Most colleges and universities require students to send their transcripts electronically through the Student Transcript Service. Before accessing the transcript service, you will need:
You must register for a Basic BCeID account to access the StudentTranscripts Service. Please set aside at least 30 minutes to create your BCeID.
Using the StudentTranscripts Service (STS), you can:
Students may make up to 25 selections free of charge within six months of completing their last course. After six months, students will be charged $10 per transcript.
Note: The B.C. Ministry of Education will no longer be mailing students’ transcripts home during the summer after graduation. Students must use the process outlined above to access their transcripts for final marks and proof of graduation. This is an online process required for all grade 12 students